Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bling Pop Ring

My daughter is very inspiring when it comes to crafts.  I purchased her a Ring Pop at the new American Store in Dakar.  This is a rare delicacy here.  When she was done, she did not want to throw away her ring.  I couldn't let here keep that thing, it could take and eye out! (there is a post in the center of the base).  I also promised to make her something with beads for completing a really hard puzzle.  So necessity being the mother of invention; witness the birth of the Bling Pop Ring. 

The process: The base is covered with a large paper flower.  Cut a circle of knit material a little larger than the base and then turn under the seam and sew a largish stitch.  Then move the thread under the ring on sew your next stitch on the opposite side until you work your way around the circle. Pad the fabric with stuffing and glue a little yarn around the base to make it prettier.  Select an assortment of beads and buttons and sew on.  Voila!

Friday, April 18, 2014

In Honor of Earth Day & A Dress Not on My Daughter

Drawing of finished bag

 In honor of Earth Day this year, Spoonflower is hosting a contest for a shopping bag.  The idea is that the bag can be made with one yard of fabric and reduce the reliance on plastic shopping bags.  I have used prints from my Pond Life collection since it is a celebration of aquatic plants and animals.  The prints feature blue herons, turtles, amphibians, insects and other creatures found in and around freshwater ponds in the northeastern United States.  Please consider voting in the contest.  The Heron and Cattail prints will be available soon.
And finally is a picture shown below of someone other than my daughter wearing one of my fabric designs.  She purchased Red Rose Argyle from my Garden Path collection and had it made into this stunning retro dress.  Thanks for sharing!
Full yard view of the fabric on Kona cotton
Sharon in Red Rose Argyle