Monday, May 17, 2010

Wonder: A UFO swap

My friend Laura and I decided to do a UFO experiement and this is the result. Am I talking about aliens? No, I am talking about unfinished objects. Every artist has them somewhere in the back of their closet. In the past I have participated in an art doll UFO and thought it would be a neat idea when Laura showed me her unfinished painting.
When I took this canvas home it was white with the black swirls and had the pink rectangles. Laura had explained that the pink rectangles were seeping into anything that she tried to add and she just didn't know what to do with the painting. I asked if I could give it a try. The pink rectangles reminded me of comic book panels and the black swirls reminded me of, well, bird poop. I thought it would be fun to work with that theme. I have to admit, I did not 'paint' much on this painting. I added most of the details with archival pens.
Laura has a painting of mine too. I will post it when it comes home.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yipee, I won!

I won one of the Green Bag Lady's Earth Day Giveaway bags. Here I am, using it to get some local produce at my favorite farm stand, Heysers. Heyser's is not only a great place to get local produce, plants, dairy and meat products but it is my favorite pace to get Thanksgiving turkey every year. Thanks Green Bag Lady for making my shopping a little greener.