I mentioned a while back I am having a baby. According to the sonogram a few weeks ago, I am having a girl. I have two boys right now and am looking forward to experiencing a girl. We haven't decided on a name yet so suggestions are welcome.
My family will be moving, probably next summer, to the African country of Mali. I understand there to be a vibrant arts tradition in Mali and I am looking forward to exploring it. It will be exciting to share it with you.
Lastly, I have made some updates to my earlier Early Spring art quilt and have nearly completed another. The newer quilt is another thread tree quilt. I still have leaves to add, more rocks in the water and a bit more color in the right tree. I am still trying for the goal of six fiber arts pieces by December. I have two more art quilts in process. The new quilts are not thread tree quilts but different takes on the tree theme. Will I get six pieces done? We shall see.
The new quilt is stunning!
How about Ailish? Gavin's beautiful cousin is named Ailish, in the Brennan family tradition of keeping the Irish heritage alive in their children's names.
Tish, the new quilt incorporates the fiber necklace your friend donated.
Thanks for the name suggestion.
Ohhhh! I am so happy for you! Girls are so much fun to dress up!
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