I have been really busy lately working on several projects that I hope to show you all soon. One that is particularly exciting is a one-on-one workshop with a child of a friend. She came over with her mother and we began working on a doll based on an Egyptian with wings. Sort of an Isis doll. We are using Kris Waldherr's Isis painting for inspiration. I found the image below at http://www.epilogue.net/index.php.
I am also working on a doll for an ugly fabric doll exchange on the ClothDollsForFun MSN group, but I can't get into the details until the doll is sent.
I was asked to create a doll for the Ithaca Doll Artists show based on a character in a children's book...and I want to join the dark fairy challenge on Doll Street. I don't know if I can do all of this along with the volunteering, housework and other sewing projects I have committed too. Whew.